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Who We Are
At Simple Seminary, we believe anyone can understand the Bible. It's not easy, but it is possible. We are simple people who simply love God's Word. Our name isn't meant to imply that studying God's Word is simple. It's not. Honestly? It's pretty hard. But it is totally worth it.

Why Simple Seminary?
Our name comes from Acts 4:13 where Peter and John were called unschooled and ordinary (some translations say "simple") men, but it was clear they "had been with Jesus." You don't have to be extraordinary to understand God's Word. Ordinary will do just fine; thankfully we have the power of an Extraordinary teacher, the Holy Spirit, to help us, guide us and interpret for us.
Our Philosophy

We hold your hand.
Listen, we all need a little encouragement and hand holding, sometimes. Why go it alone when you can dig into the Word with a few, trusted, committed friends?

We hold you accountable.
Here's the thing...if we could do this alone, we would have already. Sometimes we need somebody to sweetly and gently, well, kick us in the keister. Right?

We make progress.
We help you see connections by teaching complex concepts, ideas and terms in easy to understand ways. You'll see progress that grows your faith and helps you confidently study and share biblical truth.
Our Instructors
Our teaching team is led by Whitney Capps and her Dad, Dr. Alan Posey. Together they are committed to teaching Scripture in a way that is solid, yet simple. Using conversational instruction and easy to follow examples you'll finally understand what the Bible is all about.